Graphic design – the course focuses on the interweaving of art and creative craft disciplines with applied graphics. Students learn how to effectively use graphic stylization, refine their own sense of writing, solve tasks in the field of graphic design and advertising. They design promotional materials and uniform visual style for businesses, create large-scale advertisments and design packaging. They also produce illustration work. The practical teaching entails traditional graphic techniques such as woodblock printing, lithography and screen printing, but also the study of special technologies that focus on the development of graphics, polygraphy and the development of used materials.
Graduate profile
A graphic design graduate aquires skills for independent graphic, design or illustration work. They are ready for work in graphic studios, in various advertising agencies, editorial offices, publishing houses and printing companies. They are also able to continue in their further education at colleges majoring in art or art pedagogy.
Head of department
akad. mal. Kamil Mikel
MgA. Dagmar Jahodová
Mgr. František Petrák
akad. mal. Michal Zeman
Mgr. Klára Roche Popelka
student work
entrance examination
department news
contact the teachers
famous alumni
Student work
Entrance exam
Applicants must submit their application to study at the Secondary School
of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště by November 30th.
The entrance exam consists of a general talent test and another part of the
admission procedure in the department chosen by the applicant. As a part of the
admission procedure, in addition to the result of the applicant's talent test,
the students ´ primary school grades are considered as well.
Talent Exam
Painted poster including writing
All applicants need to bring their own painting tools; the poster paper will be
provided at school.
The time allowance for the task is 2 hours.
Presentation of one's own previously created work in the range of max.
20 pieces. The portfolio must also be submitted in digital form in jpg format
(the size of the longer side is 2000px and 72dpi) and marked with the name:
surname_name_number, under which the candidate is taking the exam_year of
the exam.
SAMPLE: NovákJan_111_2021
The portfolio and the digital documentation must be submitted on the day
of the exam (on a USB drive that will be returned to the applicant on the same
Without the required digital documentation, this part of the admission procedure
will not be considered fulfilled.
Department news
Contact the teachers
Akad. mal. Kamil Mikel
Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, obor grafika
navrhování, písmo, přípravné kreslení, praktická cvičení
MgA. Dagmar Jahodová
DOSAŽENÉ VZDĚLÁNÍUniverzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, obor multimédia a design
technologie, praktická cvičení, přípravné kreslení
Mgr. František Petrák
DOSAŽENÉ VZDĚLÁNÍOstravská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, obor učitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů: český jazyk a výtvarná výchova
písmo, výtvarná příprava, přípravné kreslení, figurální kreslení
akad. mal. Michal Zeman
DOSAŽENÉ VZDĚLÁNÍVysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze, Ateliér filmové a televizní grafiky
písmo, přípravné kreslení, figurální kreslení, výtvarná příprava
Mgr. Klára Roche Popelka
Ostravská univerzita, Fakulta umění, obor volná a užitá grafika, knižní tvorba
sítotisk, písmo, technologie, praktická cvičení, výtvarná
Born in Brno, a painter, graphic artist and an illustrator, the winner of the Jindřich Chalupecký Prize. Since 1992, he has been teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions worldwide. He is also known for his musical and literary activities. For 13 years he was the singer of the Brno group E, which belonged to the top of Czech alternative underground music. In 2012, he received a prestigious award from Dalibor Chatrný, and in 2019 he became the tenth laureate of the Michal Ranný award. This award goes to artists who have significantly enriched the Czech visual culture while influencing the next generation of artists. He graduated from the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště in 1975.
Born in Zlín, a graphic artist, painter, and a teacher at the University of Applied Arts. In his work he is defined by two points of view, one using freestyle expression, the other more rigid geometric forms. As the only living Czech painter, Hábl was selected by the prestigious auction house Sotheby's twice. In 2019, he became the fifth living Czech from the post-revolutionary period included in the world selection of the best works of the 20th and 21st century. In addition to painting, Hábl also works with space. He has created a number of f contemporary art pieces in important historical buildings, among them, for example, the intervention of „Lenten paintings“ in the Church of the Holy Salvator. He graduated from the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště in 1993.
A native of Šternberk, she is a conceptual media artist with a social orientation, the only woman of the Pondělí art group, a laureate of the Michal Ranný award in 2011. She currently works as a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where she took over from Milan Knížák and she now runs the Intermedia Studio. Her works grow from very intimate roots, they focus on ordinary life, individual experiences, everyday banalities. The leitmotif is the question of personal identity. Since the 1990s, Dopitová has displayed her art at prestigious exhibitions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Brooklyn Museum in New York, the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki are undoubtedly worth mentioning. Dopitová completed her studies at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště in 1986.