Industrial design – is a specific creative art discipline that combines a number of scientific and technical disciplines. Students learn about all essential features of design: they use artistic tools to incorporate all necessary requirements including aesthetic, technological, ergonomic and social aspects and the requirements of the targeted product user. They develop their ability to see shape and express an idea in graphic and three-dimensional form, learn to create photorealistic visualization, work on the production of presentation materials and functional prototypes. Students are supported and encouraged in their independent, creative and inventive approach to all designs.

Graduates of the department can find employment mainly in the area of product designs in small and medium-sized companies, they are also offered external cooperation with development groups that create new production programs. They can also work as artists in companies dealing with applied graphics, interior design, production of promotional models or in advertising studios. Furthermore, they can continue to study and develop their talent at various colleges.
head of the department
MgA. Ivan Pecháček
ak. soch. Radek Krcha
ak. soch. Vojtěch Anderle
student works
entrance examination
department news
contact the teachers
famous alumni
student works
Applicants must submit their application to study at the Secondary School
of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště by November 30th.
The entrance exam consists of a general talent test and another part of the
admission procedure in the department chosen by the applicant. As a part of the
admission procedure, in addition to the result of the applicant's talent test,
the students ´ primary school grades are considered as well.
portait drawing of a live model
Pencil or charcoal drawing on A2 wrapping paper. Applicants need
their own drawing tools and a firm, flat A2 drawing board. The drawing paper
will be provided at school. The time allowance for the task is 2 hours.
drawing dictation
Drawing and painting according to specifications on a A2 format,
Applicants need their own drawing tools and a firm, flat A2 drawing board. The
drawing paper will be provided at school. The time allowance for the task is
2 hours.
clay model of still life
Applicants need their own modelling tools. Clay and a modelling
stand will be provided to applicants at school. The time allowance for the
task is 2 hours.
Presentation of one's own previously created work in the range of max.
20 pieces. The portfolio must also be submitted in digital form in jpg format
(the size of the longer side is 2000px and 72dpi) and marked with the name:
surname_name_number, under which the candidate is taking the exam_year of
the exam.
sample: NovákJan_111_2021
The portfolio and the digital
documentation must be submitted on the day of the exam (on a USB drive that will
be returned to the applicant on the same day).
Without the required digital documentation,
this part of the admission procedure will not be considered
Contact the teachers
MgA. Ivan Pecháček
Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová
v Praze, obor design
modelování, praktická cvičení,
výtvarná příprava
ak. soch. Radek Krcha
Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová
v Praze, obor tvarování strojů a nástrojů
konstrukce, výtvarná příprava,
praktická cvičení
ak.soch. Vojtěch Anderle
Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová
v Praze, obor tvarování strojů
a nástrojů
navrhování, praktická cvičení,
technologie, modelování
famous alumni
Born in Brno, a product designer and a graduate of the University of Applied Arts in Prague. The central theme of his work are objects of everyday life. His motto is: Everything we surround ourselves with is important. He is fascinated by latest technologies, places absolute emphasis on detail, but also admires old crafts and nature. He prefers clean and minimalistic shapes. He has achieved many accomplishments during his career. Together with Eduard Herrmann, they became Grand Designers and Designers of the Year at the Czech Grand Design 2020 awards, and also have awards from the ELLE Decoration International Award, the international BIG SEE Award and the Red Dot Award. He graduated from the Secondary School of Applied Arts in 2013.
Born in Uherské Hradiště, a designer, a graduate of the Technical College in Brno. After his studies, he went through several workplaces – Martin Tvarůžek design, ATAK design, Škoda Auto TS Motosport, in order to get to what he enjoys most: designing his own products. Foret created his own brand, the story of which began when he designed Srdce (Heart) – a holder for a city bike that made it possible to keep this popular means of transport in the interior. From wall-mounted bike racks, he has now moved on to furniture. He is interested in the space in which he moves, looking for logical principles that people would benefit from. Foret has won numerous awards for his products, for example winning the German Red Dot Award 2017. He graduated from the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště in 2008.
A native of Zlín, the winner of the National Prize for Student Design, a graduate of industrial design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. She focuses on interactive design. She designs glass facades, partitions, cladding, artistic walls. She is open to everything that can be combined with light, sound and movement. She follows the „imperfection is beauty“ principle. Currently, she is a part of the team of creatives led by the art director Maxim Velčovský for the glass and design company Lasvit. One of her most outstanding works is the unique sixteen-meter Art Therapy installation in Abu Dhabi, which she designed as a tribute to calligraphy and modern technology. Valihrachová graduated from the Secondary school of Applied Arts in Uherské Hradiště in 2009.